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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Parent Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the frequently asked questions we receive year over year. Please note that each situation can be slightly different and if you have additional questions regarding Center Point AYSO after reviewing these FAQs along with the other areas of our website, please contact us and we will do our best to answer your questions.

Kick a soccer ball to jump to a section

- Pre-Registration FAQs

- Registration FAQs

- Post-Registration FAQs

- Game & Player Related FAQs

Pre-Registration FAQs

Pre-Registration FAQs

Why ASYO and what is it?

AYSO stands for American Youth Soccer Organization. It is the worlds largest soccer club with approximately 400,000 players and 100,000 volunteers nation wide. AYSO’s “child first” approach with age-appropriate, small-sided games makes it one of the finest athletic programs in the world. Development over winning is what is fundamental in AYSO. Find out more at or on their FAQ page.

When does registration start?

Our typical season is a combined Fall/Spring season, with Fall running late August through early November and Spring running from late March through June (depending on child's division). This means that our registration period for the next registration year runs from mid-May through mid-July each year. Please continue to monitor our website for specific open registrations and announcements.

What age does my child need to be?

Children between the ages of 4 and 18 as of December 31st of the current year can begin play. We split the age groups into the following divisions: 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 15U, and 19U.

What are divisions?

Divisions are the groups of playing levels based on a players birth year.

More information regarding the age based registration and divisions can be found on our Registration Information page under AYSO Age Guide.

Are there tryouts?

No. AYSO has Open Registration (one of the 6 philosophies) and players do not tryout to play on a Core Program team. In the future, if our region ever adds an AYSO Extra, AYSO Alliance, or AYSO United program those may have tryouts to be placed on a team.

What does AYSO cost?

Our region's registration fee is currently $50, there is also a non-refundable $25 National Player Fee, so roughly $75 each registration period (covers Fall & Spring whether playing Fall, Spring, or Both).
* does not include any processing fees

Are there other costs or ongoing costs?

In addition to the registration fees you could incur additional costs and this will vary based on your individual player needs.

Items players must have
- shin guards
- appropriate shoes
- game socks
- game uniform
Items we encourage players to have
- water bottle
- soccer ball (size 3, 4, or 5 depending on their age)
- other soccer clothing (practice shorts, t-shirts, practice socks)

Our uniforms, which include two jerseys, two pair of socks, and two shorts must be purchased during registration and cost $45 (subject to change without notice). An estimated minimum cost would be $120.00 (Reg. Fee $70, National Fee $25, and Uniform $45 - subject to change without notice). We do our best not to change uniform styles and colors so your child can wear a uniform across multiple seasons if it still fits them. Often times, our families that have out grown a uniform will offer their old sets to new families as well (extremely unknown on supply and availability). For other items listed above, the cost will be dependent on what and where you purchase items. Other expenses could be incurred throughout the season depending on team and desired contributions you might want to be part of.
My child does not live in Center Point or Urbana, can they still play?
Yes, we welcome children from all areas surrounding the Center Point and Urbana area. Please note that all games for the 6U and 8U divisions play in Center Point and most all games for the 10U and above divisions play at the Tuma Sports Complex. Our currently approved practice areas are only in the Center Point and Urbana area.

My child really wants to play, but I'm not sure I can afford it.

We try to make ASYO as affordable as possible for our Center Point kids and we know each family has it's own situation. If you are concerned with costs please head over to our Scholarships page to see if we can help you.

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Registration FAQs

Registration FAQs

Where do I go to register?

All registrations go through our website, we do not accept paper registrations. If you do not have an account set-up click on the “Register Now” button at the top of the page. Then follow the prompts to set-up your account, add your children, register your children for our programs, and sign-up to volunteer. You can also follow the “Registration 2.0 – Parent Guide” (pdf version) provided by Sports Connect. If you already have an account, login and look for the available programs on the “My Account” page.

Who do I contact if I need help registering?

If you need additional help during registration, please contact our registrar.
Email: [email protected]

Can I register more than one kid at a time?

Absolutely. With our registration system it is easy to sign up multiple kids at the same time. During the initial account creation there will be a question asking who you are registering, “Register My Players” or “Register Myself”, after clicking the register my players button it will ask how many players you want to add. Click the corresponding # and follow the screen prompts to add all your kids to the system. You will then be able to select the appropriate programs for each child before continuing to checkout and finalize your registration for the current year.

Do I need to upload a Birth Certificate during registration?

Yes, each player you register must provide a proof of age. You can upload it once during the initial account creation for each of your players, the form will stay linked to their account for future years. This is a safe secure site with safeguards in place to protect information. It is also okay not to upload an age verification form during registration, but we may ask for it in the future to properly place your child on a team. The proof of age can also be scanned and email to our registrar at [email protected]. Acceptable forms for the Proof of Age include Birth Certificate; Passport; Driver’s License; Federal, State, or Local Government ID Card; or alien registration card issued by the United States Government.

Please note that if you registered before the migration to the Mobile First registration system for Sports Connect (prior to 2021 registration year) we may need to reacquire proof of age. In some cases, the proof of age may not have migrated during the transition.

Can I request that my player be on a specific team?

No, in general we do not accept player requests to be on a specific team. One of our six philosophies is Balanced Teams® where we strive to form new teams each year that are as evenly balanced as possible, providing a stronger learning experience for teams as they play teams comprised of similar ability. We ask our coaches to rate players at the mid-point of the year (after Fall) and then again at the end of the year (after Spring). This gives us a starting point for balancing teams. There are some instances in our 8U and 6U divisions were we do not yet have player ratings, so we may be able to make such accommodations. If you are in either of those two divisions please email us at [email protected] to see if this could apply to you and your child. For older age division we do not accept any request to be placed on a certain team unless in a special situation as detailed below.

Special situations where we may honor a team request, but no guarantee. Up to 3 players may be put on the same team via a request. However, to even consider a request for a player to be put on the same team with another player we require the following.

  1. Each player MUST have a parent register as either a Head Coach, Assistant Coach, or Referee.
    1. Each parent must complete training and submit a background check for their respective volunteer role.
    2. When registering to volunteer, the Head Coach MUST NAME their assistant coach and/or team referee in the “coach comments” question.
      1. Only 2 parents should be named
      2. Include the role they will fill
        1. Assistant Coach
        2. Team Referee

  2. We will not honor requests for more than 3 players/families on a single team

  3. We will not honor requests where a Head Coach did not name the other parent volunteers (assistant coach and/or referee).
    1. Please plan ahead to complete this step when registering as a Head Coach

  4. We will not honor requests to play for a specific Head Coach if the requesting family is not also volunteering as an Assistant Coach, or Referee.

  5. Demographic situations can be taken into consideration.
    1.  These must be submitted at the time of registration and are subject to approval.


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Post-Registration FAQs

Post-Registration FAQs

I've registered my kid(s), now what?

Sit tight. Registrations are typically open through the middle of July. While registrations are still open and shortly after they close, we work extra hard to secure volunteers to coach teams, get those volunteers training if they are new, and then create teams for all of our registered kids that are not on a waitlist. We anticipate that this process will be complete in the first couple of weeks of August. Then coaches will contact you near the middle of August to get practices started.

My child has changed their mind and does not want to play, what do I do?

Please review our refund policy and then send an email to [email protected] to start the process.

When do game start?

For the Fall season games typically start the first week of September. For the Spring season games for 10U and above divisions start round the first week of April, while games for 6U and 8U divisions start in June. These are general season dates, and they can shift from year to year.

When do practices start?

This depends on team formation and volunteer status. Typically, Fall practices start mid-August for all divisions while Spring practice starts mid-March for our 10U and above divisions and in mid-May for our 6U and 8U divisions.

Note: the region does not create each team’s practice schedule with the exception of the 6U division, all practice times and dates are set by the team’s coach. If you want to dictate when, where, and how long your child practices during the season you would need to sign up to volunteer to be a team coach.

We purchased a uniform, when do we get it?

Similarly, to the process for assigning teams, we wait for registrations to close before ordering uniforms. This is typically done near the middle of July. It then takes a couple weeks for the uniforms to arrive. The goal is to you your child’s uniform about the same time practices can start.

We received the uniform, but it does not fit or there is something missing what do we do?

Please contact us at [email protected] with the details related to the uniform and we will be happy to try and help. Often, we do have a supply of uniforms and miscellaneous uniform pieces, however it is not guaranteed that we would have what you need.

What do we need to get before practices or games start?

In general, your child should have proper shoes, a uniform for games, a water bottle, and an appropriate sized soccer ball. There are some additional details pertaining to equipment in the Game & Player Related FAQs.

Will there be team pictures? If so, when, and where will they be?

Yes, there will be team pictures. Once teams are allocated with players and coaches, we work on setting up team pictures. They are done at Fross Park unless it’s bad weather, then a backup location would be used. Other specific details relating to pictures will be provided to teams once they are officially scheduled each year.


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Game & Player FAQs

Game & Player Related FAQs
Below are the FAQs related to games and players that we are working to answering, once they are complete, we will update this page. If you have additional questions that would be nice to have on this page, please let us know at [email protected].

When are practices and where do I find the practice schedule?

When are games and where do I find the game schedule?

When are pictures?

How long are games?

What size ball does my child need?

Does my child need soccer shoes?

Why do my child's socks need to cover their shin guards?

Can my child were jewelry at practice or games?

My child has a cast/splint and has been cleared by their doctor to play, can they still participate?

Can my child wear their glasses or hearing aids while playing?

Do the kids play in the rain?

It's cold outside is it okay to wear hats, gloves, pants, and/or sweatshirts?

Can my child wear a hat or other hair accessory?

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